1. Explain in detail what "savant syndrome" means.
Savant syndrome is a rare condition which very few people who have very different and rare mental abilieties that make them special but at the same time there mental abilities cut down there other abilities is like one things takes more than the other.
2. What does genius mean? Explain the difference between genius and savant.
genius is a person with extraordinary intelligence, geniuses and savants are very different because geniuses are good at all the skills that a person have a savant is a very skillful person but in certain areas.
3. What is a stroke and how could it affect your mental functioning?
A stroke is a brain attact it could afffect the mental function because the sudden and harsh movement in the braik may cause a discapacity of some function.
4. What is a functional MRI and how does it help us understand brain activity?
A functional MRI is a machine that helps to explain and determine where the mental activity occur in the brain and helps to read the activity.
5. What is the corpus callosum and what role does it play in your brain's activity?
Corpus callosum is a bundle or nerve fibers found in the mammalian brain. Its role in the brain is to connect all the memories and experiences we have lived.
6. What is epilepsy and how might it affect your brain's abilities?
Epilepsy is a deases that produces convultions and seizures which harm mental or physical functions.
7. What is autism?
Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person's life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person's communication and social interaction skills.
8. What is Asperger's Syndrome?
Asperger's Disorder is a milder variant of Autistic Disorder. Both Asperger's Disorder and Autistic Disorder are in fact subgroups of a larger diagnostic category.
lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011
domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011
Homosexuality is a very contraversial topic when it comes to nature o nurture. Being gay or lesbian is very hard living in the now a days society. People discriminate homosexuals for various reason, some involve religion, society rules, macho men rule etc.. but non of these are right in what they are doing. I think that straight, lesbians, gays, metrosexual and all the kind and types of sexulity there exist, should let people what they want to do with there lifes and live cohesivly without any type of discrimination.
In pyschology class this week i watched and learned a lot of interesting facts o Homosexuality. For example scientists have discovered the "Older brother Theorem", this theorem states that the person who has more older brothers is more vulnerable to be gay. Also scientist have discovered that if you are right handed with older brothers your are more prone of being homosexual.
In my personal opinion of wether homosexuality is nature of nurture, is that i think is nature because you do not choose when your born if your straight or gay. When your born theres no two boxes where one box is the gay box and the other one is the straight box which you put a check in the box you want to be. No, i can support this because in the video of homosexuality i saw there was twin brothers which one was all macho man with soldiers and GI JOE figures, and the other one was all girlish with barbies and a room full of pink color.
In pyschology class this week i watched and learned a lot of interesting facts o Homosexuality. For example scientists have discovered the "Older brother Theorem", this theorem states that the person who has more older brothers is more vulnerable to be gay. Also scientist have discovered that if you are right handed with older brothers your are more prone of being homosexual.
In my personal opinion of wether homosexuality is nature of nurture, is that i think is nature because you do not choose when your born if your straight or gay. When your born theres no two boxes where one box is the gay box and the other one is the straight box which you put a check in the box you want to be. No, i can support this because in the video of homosexuality i saw there was twin brothers which one was all macho man with soldiers and GI JOE figures, and the other one was all girlish with barbies and a room full of pink color.
miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011
Criminal Minds
Studying criminal minds is a very interesting thing to do, because you do not know what is really going on inside their brains. Most people don't take the time to think about the reasons why criminals commit such hurtful actions and take wrong decisions in their lives. The main causes people become criminals are abuse suffered during their infant years, mental illnesses or injuries. After watching the video, I was able to understand that sometimes criminals are not aware of the damage they cause and are not completely guilty. However, the mental problems they have do not justify the crimes they commit and the pain they cause to others. The only way to prevent the increase of criminal acts is to help these people instead of just killing them and punishing them in prison.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011
Brain Injury
Brain injury can be caused by falls, car accidents, accidents when practicing sports, among others that are less common. Before I saw the brain injury video in psychology class, I didn't understand why people with mental problems and disfunctions acted the way they did. After watching the video and hearing Brian tell his story, I have a new perspective of people who have brain injuries and I know that in most cases they are not responsible for this and that their lives were truly affected by the injury.
A contusion, an axonal injury and bleeding inside the brain are all considered types of brain injuries. A contusion is a bruise inside the brain, an axonal injury is damage to the neurons and bleeding increases the pressure inside the brain.
The brain is an essential part of our bodies because it controls everything we do and what we think, and having a brain injury has to be one of the most difficult things to live with.
Mind Reading
It's fantastic to live now a days where the things that many years ago were considered only science fiction, are now reality. In psychology class I learned that there is a technique used in radiology called MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) that can read and indentify where the movement and activity in our brains are. It is also useful to see the heart and to detect certain cancers.
Scientists tell that in approximately 4 to 6 years the brain reading machine would not only read it, but also read what people are thinking or what they intend to do. Reading minds is a very controversial topic. First of all because every person has rights and one of them is privacy. It would also be complicated if the government or other organisms tried to use this for their benefit.
Nobody wants others to know what they are thinking, but it could also help the policemen in solving crimes. For example, if in a trial the judge wants to know if the person accused is telling the truth, the judge could use the MRI to determine whether he or she is telling the truth. I think that it is a very good idea to improve the techonology and keep advancing because it can bring us new and interesting things, but with certain limits.
Scientists tell that in approximately 4 to 6 years the brain reading machine would not only read it, but also read what people are thinking or what they intend to do. Reading minds is a very controversial topic. First of all because every person has rights and one of them is privacy. It would also be complicated if the government or other organisms tried to use this for their benefit.
Nobody wants others to know what they are thinking, but it could also help the policemen in solving crimes. For example, if in a trial the judge wants to know if the person accused is telling the truth, the judge could use the MRI to determine whether he or she is telling the truth. I think that it is a very good idea to improve the techonology and keep advancing because it can bring us new and interesting things, but with certain limits.

The Teenage Brain
Now I am able to undertand a lot better how our brain functions and the different spots where these functions take place. Most teenagers have a bad time passing through adolescene, and they end up feeling like nobody understands them.
After watching the teenage brain video in psychology class I could understand why these mood swings, incorrect reasoning and the making of wrong decisions occur. Incorrect or wrong decision taking in teenage years is caused because the frontal lobe in our brain is not entirely developed. The frontal lobe is the one in charge of reasoning, planning, thinking, and decision taking. Teenage life is hard sometimes, because our process of developing and maturing our brain in this time is not clear and understandable as if you see an adults brain. A very interesting fact of the teenage brain is that we need at least nine hours of sleep, and I regularly have 6 to 7 hours of sleep, because of my tight schedule.
After watching the teenage brain video in psychology class I could understand why these mood swings, incorrect reasoning and the making of wrong decisions occur. Incorrect or wrong decision taking in teenage years is caused because the frontal lobe in our brain is not entirely developed. The frontal lobe is the one in charge of reasoning, planning, thinking, and decision taking. Teenage life is hard sometimes, because our process of developing and maturing our brain in this time is not clear and understandable as if you see an adults brain. A very interesting fact of the teenage brain is that we need at least nine hours of sleep, and I regularly have 6 to 7 hours of sleep, because of my tight schedule.

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